our philosophy

Provide our complete experience in Dentistry

Offering the highest quality of service for all our patients


First free review


The first review is free and will be given the treatment budget to be made



  • Integral Dentistry.
  • Aesthetics: aided by fixed or removable prostheses or large dental constructions.
  • Periodontics: restore the health of the gums and support bones of the teeth that may have been lost.
  • Endodontics: Removing the nerve causing pain in the tooth.
  • Orthodontics: correction of the location of the teeth, accompanied or not by the corrective orthopedics of the bad position of the jaws.
  • Child dentistry and early or interceptive orthodontics: correction of small differences in interdental space, performed early.
  • Fixed implant prosthesis.






  • Surgery of wisdom teeth.


  • Surgery with maxillary sinus elevations with bone filling and everything representing maxillofacial surgery in its entirety.




For all the aforementioned treatments we have the acceptance of the companies associated with Canal Salud 24.